I guess I would be quite accurate in my assessment, that this 2016 Election Campaign did actually start when Turnbull & a Party of Cowards toppled the good man and PM that is Tony Abbott. At least that is what the Leftist Media had convinced me of.
Watching a very openly Leftist TV channel (with a few token Right wing commentators, to appear "objective") as I formulated this cartoon, they are feeding us with the concept of this being a contest based on the ghosts of Gillard v Abbott -- and for some reason, Rudd's never-ending ambition to join his fellow elite scum at the "United Nations" is really important to all Australians and a matter of national pride?
As if Shorten or Turnbull aren't involved. Probably because you don't need to be a Political Genius to know that this one will go to the Coalition, simply because Shorten is that unelectable. Both have a history of disloyalty but Bill more so, imho.