Friday, August 24, 2018

It's just another jump to the Left

That's it, game over! The Left has successfully infiltrated and is cemented now as the core base of the Federal Liberal Party.

the vote of 45 to 40 in favourite of the progressive Scott Morrison, is a clear enough indication now to Australia that the Party is ideologically split, therefore how can a left of centre Liberal Voter or even a hard right Voter, trust the Party?  They can not!

This is why we see the rise in the popularity of anti Marxist and anti PC Political Parties such as One Nation, Bob Katter and The Australian Conservatives. Senator Cory Bernardi saw this a mile off and was smart enough to get off the sinking ship and form a SAVING Political Party for the Conservative Australian to support.

Mission accomplished Karl Marx, you have killed Sir Robert Menzies vision from the grave.

Friday, August 17, 2018


I could not let this one go without a comment. There sure have been a few bridges falling this week.

FINALLY IT HAS HAPPENED, "THE DIE IS CAST" to quote Julius Caesar. Bob Katter will now be inundated with pleas from the Hard Left (not the Social "Lillypad" Left but the 'Old School" ALP Voters of (our grandparents generation) & Hard Right Conservatives, to not just run the Katter Party in the Senate but also in the House of Representatives, and himself as Leader for the seat of Prime Minister. Would you Vote for that?

Based on what he has said, Yes I would but we are still being manipulated by the Socialist/Marxist social engineers, who long ago formulated a strategy to infiltrate all established Western institutions, from the Government and Educational Institutions to all places in the Public and Private Sectors to the Churches, Mosques and Synagogues of Australia (in our case).

So what happens when Australia is attacked by an Alien ideology such as Islam? Attacking the fundamental Judeo-Christian established society of this Nation?

This is what happens. We are not united as one but a squabbling gaggle of children arguing over misquoted and out of context phrases as we tear each other apart whist the ENEMY slips in the back gate called POLITICAL CORRECTNESS !!!