Being interviewed while wearing a hard had seems to be the latest Leftist idea. They seem to think it makes them look more active or something. As even a Leftist commentator said recently: "Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and Kristina Keneally are also serial hard-hat offenders"I would say that you would be hard up to find any sensible adult in this country, who would not agree that health reform is certainly now an issue worth discussing and worth investing in. What the general public do know about our failing health system, would fill a library but what the answers are to creating a successful and efficient national health system are as varied as the the problem itself. At least this issue is now at the surface of discussion and is apparently at the top of our Prime Ministers list of priorities ............. THIS WEEK !
Just like the many election promises that K Rudd made in 2007, this too is but another grab for the popular spotlight that got this empty suited man of charisma elected and a way to divert our attention from the seamless line of policy disasters since he moved into the Lodge.
Just like Benito Mussolini in 1939, Kevin Rudd is all about talk and hairy chested rhetoric yet can not back up anything that he says with actually accountable figures or even a clear and decisive plan.
Just to remind you of some the many failures of the Rudd regime, I will start with the pathetic "SORRY" statement and the so called reconciliation that was to heal all the pain and inequality suffered by the original inhabitants of this prehistoric land, right up the the "stolen generations" and the cruel white mans way of assimilating these godless children into white man's Australia.......
Yet, it is clear that nothing but left wing bleeding hearts and soft headed dreamers were the only ones who were truly appeased by that stunt. Really I don't know why he bothered as these naval gazing, hanky wringers always vote Labor anyway.
Then we move to "the greatest moral challenge of our time", (Rudd's words not mine),Global Warming/Anthropogenic climate change. Well, where do you start? Nowhere, because the lie that is the greatest hoax and mass global scam perpetrated on the West ever, still leads us to Kevin Rudd once again jumping up and down saying "look at me. look at me, I'm the Piped Piper from Queensland" to all of his fellow one worlder socialist mates in the UN; I'm taking Australia to Copenhagen and I will be the one to leads us out of global disaster............
Yeah Kev!?!, that was another enormous load of crap that resulted and would always have resulted in nothing less that an expensive junket for you and your sycophants.
Now that his credibility was even more on the line and even ALP voters were starting to look skyward when they heard "Who voted for this clown?", Kevin needed to get back into favour with the punters and start to address some of those policy on the run promises that he made back in 2007.
The "working families" need help now and what better way but to introduce , "Fuel watch" and "Grocery watch" and announce that his government will build hundreds of child care centres to take pressure of struggling the Howard battlers. Yet again more failed policy that resulted in nothing and about a dozen child care centres actually built. This was again another waste of our money.
Still Kevin just cannot stop (I kind of admire that in him) so it's on to the great Home Insulation Scheme, this will employ thousands and ensure a better quality of home comfort as well as reducing energy use so as to stop those evil black clouds of carbon dioxide from killing us all and to keep the Green support alive and well, aka giving the dog a bone.
Of course Kevin 07 is too busy to actually nut out the details of this one himself, after all he has a reputation of being the most travelled Aussie PM ever and he wouldn't want to waste a frequent flyer point, so he passes it to his parachuted rock star, sell-out minister, Peter Garrett, who completely ignores the industry's expert advice and as a result causes death and destruction and causing him to lose his job.
Rudd then cancels the scheme and still has the bottle to offer the Australian taxpayer a multi-million dollar bill to fix up the dangerous insulation's caused by the rorters that he created along with the damaged reputations and lost income for hundreds of reputable insulation installers.
Ooooppps Kevin, quickly, roll out Julia Gillard and lets start spruiking the great Building the Education Revolution. Lets get those laptops on every kid's desk and spend millions fixing up the run-down schools. Alas and yet again not a laptop to be seen and a festival of rorts and errors that has turned this B.E.R into the Big Education RIP OFF.
Oh no Kevin, Rove doesn't want you on his show anymore and now your falling in popularity polls, what will you do to save your skin?..............
I've got it!, let's take away all the GST money that we give the states (after all we need some money to pay back our 300 billion dollar debt to China after giving everyone a $900 bribe) to run the stuffed up public health systems and blame the states (doesn't matter if they are ALP, they are unelectable anyway, and then it will look like you have kept one election promise.
Remember, cut the emergency waiting time down to 4 hours. Then every one will say, "hey I don't need to pay for my own health care , I'll just go onto the public system and I will be happy to wait only 4 hours."
Until of course it is realised that everyone will do that thus tripling demand for public health overnight and turning a basket case of bureaucratic heavy incompetence into a third world system that any one from Afghanistan or Sri Lanka will be happy to use, after all, with the borders now open to one and all, these folk will need to feel right at home.
But seriously folks.......that was serious by the way. Health reform is not about money, health reform is about changing the habits of people who seem to think that they can do what ever they like to their bodies because the government will always look after them. At the moment that is why we cannot offer a decent and effective health system.
Not a word from Kevin Rudd about mental health (a much larger issue I am sure) or even dental health and just teaching folk the importance of maintaining wellness.
As long as the PM has a camera in his face and a sympathetic and supportive media to help spin his pandering and misguided untruths, then you can always expect to see a little man in a hard hat and a reflective vest sitting at the end of your hospital bed, promising the world ......... if you get a bed that is!