With the election call at any moment now ....
.... PM Gillard's support base is still quite strong and she is still a force for opposition leader, Tony Abbott, to contend with. Although she has a popular appeal to the less politically engaged punters, it wouldn't be too big a stretch that say that her media honeymoon is on the wane, considering recent events.
With the incalculable and inconclusive deal done with the mining magnates on the super profits tax and her so-called answer to the disastrous Rudd border security policy, now dubbed the "Dili Solution" set to be the failure and back flip that it started out as, the shine on this clever politician is fading fast.
Next she promises to attend to the "greatest moral problem of our time", anthropological climate change (non existent, in my humble opinion), that she is convinced is a reality, and she has given us all her rock-solid determination to set a carbon trade price (that's the Emissions Trading Tax again) if elected.
Hmmmmm, if elected? let's see, if we vote for Julia Gillard we will get a mining tax that will go nowhere to settling the massive billions of dollar debt that Kevvie set up for our children, along with a loss of jobs and industry.
We will also get another failed border security policy or the same one that worked when John Howard was PM (as long as it doesn't look the same and doesn't involve the introduction of temporary visa)
And we can also expect a massive rise in the costs of living due to the feel-good tax (ETS) that will be imposed on us all so as not to upset those good folk in the Green Party (who are providing preference votes to the ALP at the election). Seems like a no brainer to me then.......
Hand me the how to vote Liberal Party card please.
If we vote Gillard we can buy uniforms at half price. Maybe. It isn't budgeted.
The uniforms that she would like us ALL to wear would actually be free and ofcourse would consist of a Lenin style hat with a red star and a military style shirt, pants and jack boots.
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