Monday, October 28, 2013


Just couldn't resist marking this monumental moment of political retirement with a goodbye cartoon for Bob Carr. As critical as I have been throughout the years of his reign, particularly as Premier of NSW, I will concede that he did contribute to the country and  now that he has left the Parliament, I acknowledge  that the IQ of the entire Federal Labor Party has just halved.

Regarding his time as NSW Premier, Wikipedia gets it pretty right as follows:

"His centrist, cautious government was characterised by conservative financial management, the encouragement of market forces, and a "tough on crime" policy. It was also seen as having a strong pro-environment character and being committed to curriculum rigour (especially history), testing and literacy initiatives in schools.... In terms of economic management, Carr's government, assisted by State Treasurers Michael Egan and Andrew Refshauge, delivered ten consecutive budget surpluses."

And his ALP successors in NSW stuffed it up right royally.

Carr resigned from Federal parliament last week.

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