Monday, October 22, 2018


I had to wait for the Postals and pre Poll numbers to be announced before I could move. I believe that there is only 1500 votes between the LNP Candidate Sharma and the Independent Professor Kerryn Phelps who at this time the incumbent still has not enough to hold Wentworth.

Hmmmmmm, Not quite the SMASHING DEFEAT that the Useful Idiots would have us believe, yet they are still calling it that on Sky News and the usual other Leftist MSM platforms. We can't let fact get in the way of a good kicking on the LNP before the upcoming election.

I thought this was too big to let slide. Turnbull clearly shedding Crocodile Tears over the loss of a seat that has ALWAYS been a Conservative safe seat. So DEVASTATED is he now, I am sure that he must be reminding everyone that "Wentworth was lost fairly to his friend Prof. Kerryn Phelps, and it wasn't under HIS COMMAND!"

Excuse my French but the Man is a snake and vengeful driven egomaniac BASTARD imho.

Hiding and having fun in New York and not supporting his Liberal Party replacement but rather hitting the like button on the Camp Phelps Election Tweets.

He knew when it was time to get out (and play the victim card), but not before a few years of destroying Abbott's good start in repair to the Nation after the MAYHEM caused and still being caused  by that horrific Labor reign of RUDD/GILLARD/RUDD.

Turnbull knew that the by-election would lose that majority seat for the LNP and he also has to know that this will cause the election trigger to occur before PM Morrison has enough time to clean up Malcolm's mess and present a good case for another LNP Term. The perfect time bomb revenge goodbye.

He knows the Australian Voter protest movement is strong enough to unseat a few of the major Parties to more minors and independents plus the Aussie apathetic state of mind of "A change for change sake. is good for ya mate". This will send this new Governmental Term back to Labor and even worse to Bill Shorten. Talk about rubbing salt into the wounds.

Malcolm Turnbull and his very disloyal family, should change their surname to "Machiavelli" !!! , I am sure that old Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli , if he were alive would be cheering "BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO, MAESTRO"  from his Villa at Watson's Bay.

That's my opinion and I am sticking with it,

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