Now far be it for me to be lazy, because I am not! I really love my craft, I love to draw and I was thinking for a while today what I would draw (say) to mark the end of this year and to see the new one in.
I am a complete optimist and I will always hope and believe that the next day will be a better one than the last. I, like most people, believe that one learns from their mistakes and that this simple wisdom will go a long way to improving the future for us all.
I thought to myself, "what did I say on last years NYE toon?". I checked and as I read the cartoon I realised that this is virtually the same cartoon that I was going to draw this year. All of the issues that plagued our society back in 2009 are still there!.
Therefore I think that the most relevant lesson to be learnt this year is we understand that we do have short memories and if we do not remember the mistakes of the past then we can be assured that those mistakes will still be repeated year after year after year.
Thank God we here is New South Wales will not be repeating the mistake that we made back in March 2007 and as a result we will see a return to a conservative and fiscally sensible governance in this state (I hope so anyway, tic).
Also, that if we are given the chance later in the new year, we may be able to remove the dangerous ALP/Greens Federal coalition, anything that should have happened a few months ago.
So dear reader, Happy 2011 to us all, I hope the year ahead will bring prosperity, happiness, good health and wealth (in whatever form that wealth comes to you) and that we will never forget that the mistakes of the past and never be forced to repeat them due to our LAZINESS!!!
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