Background on Morris Iemma's woes here and here
"The True end of satire is the amendment of vices by correction & he, who writes honestly is no more enemy to the offender, than the physician to the patient, when he prescribes harsh remedies to an inveterate disease" -- John Dryden
I may not agree with all the political points made.. but Darn, you're good at what you do.
Thanks, and please accept a Bravo.
Now if only the NSW libs were half-competent, someone like Iemma could never have been re-elected.
Thank you Zoe, I truly appreciate an honest mind, left or right of the political fence. I accept your Bravo and again thank you whole heartedly
I agree the Libs campaign was too soft and that is what lost it for them. I actually thought Debnam wasn't a bad choice for leader at all.
By the way from what I have seen from Barry Offarrell so far I really think that he would be good for the state. Only time will tell. maybe the ALP will sack Iemma and surprise us all with a talent that we haven't seen yet, we live in hope.
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