The Mad Monk is now our Saviour!

To say that the Australian political scene has been one of great interest within the last 72 hours would be as much an understatement as saying that the Emissions Trading Scheme will do nothing less than destroy our nation and the Australian way of life.
I must admit that I was quite down on Liberal "REBEL WITH A CAUSE" Tony Abbot, aka "THE MAD MONK", a very unfair label, I have always thought, following his earlier claim that although he thought that the ETS was bad for the country that he would still toe the party line. I would imagine that following his appearance, with that statement, on Jason Morrison's afternoon show on Sydney's number one talk radio station, 2GB, that he would have been bombarded with emails and calls from the conservative side of the party and its core base voters to tell him that he had just sold the country out for his own political gain.
Whatever it was that motivated Tony Abbott to stand up to his leftist leader, Malcolm Turnbull, he has certainly risen in the ranks of this writer's opinion and along with the other four MPs who resigned their positions in solidarity with Tony and his stance and to save the country and rescue the Liberal party from the evil left. Finally it can be said that people power has risen from its sleep and that this will be remembered as the greatest attempt by so few, urged by so many to save this country from a fate worse than death.
There is no shortage of links to local news coverage about this and I would always recommend all News Limited coverage and in particular the writings of journalists, Andrew Bolt, Janet Albrechtsen and Piers Akerman. What I have linked to above is a take on this issue from the famed London Telegraph and its notable writer, James Delingpole. They too are starting to wake up to the truth behind the greatest con in human history and this greatest attempt by conjoined socialists to rule the world.