Sunday, February 22, 2009

Who ordered the $10,000 post-it note holder?

No doubt you have all heard about the disgraceful waste of public money that was to be spent on a NSW Minister's office renovations. Five Hundred Thousand bucks to renovate an office???? It took no less than 3 days after this news was leaked for the Minister concerned to publicly state that he no longer wanted such lavish renovations of his Governor Macquarie Tower Office!

Media Report here.

And as gutless and indecisive as that length of time was to come out of hiding it can only be said that the Premier, who was available for comment on day one, was actually defending this upgrade and clearly wasn't prepared to put the stamp of cancellation on this waste of tax payers money until he had worked out a compromise deal with his new Minister.

If the voters of NSW didn't quite believe that their state leaders were living in a parallel universe then as far as I am concerned this exposure of total disregard for the public purse should now make it clear to all that this type of rort goes on all the time and the only reason that this one didn't make it was because they were literally caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

You hear time and time again from disgruntled NSW Voters "Where has all the money gone?" you know!

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